Sunday, May 29, 2011


A Détacher Ada Tote, Project No.8

I saw this tote bag a couple months back in Assembly and somehow completely forgot about it until it popped up on Project No.8's webstore today. The bag itself is actually really big (maybe too big for me), but the suede is amazingly soft and the green color is perfect. Definitely going to have to go take a second look at it!

The Travel Almanac

Yesterday I bought the first issue of The Travel Almanac and it's great! Divided into three sections: guests, amenities & incidentals, and souvenirs, the magazine features interviews with artists about their opinions on traveling, as well as favorite hotel and travel destinations and traveling advice.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summer Haze

T Magazine

It is Summer here in New York! I am looking forward to beach days, smoothies, breezy linens and silks, and lazy days spent in the park.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


starting clockwise from denim oxfords: dieppa restrepo, dieppa restrepo, surface to air, ld tuttle, a détacher, a détacher

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

perfect boots

perfect little boots for fall. if you're lucky enough to be an 81/2, check these out here.